Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dead Inside

It has been a long, long time since my last post, and for that I am very sorry. I know there are at least six people who read this, and I hate to disappoint. So, why has it been so long since I last posted, you may be wondering? Well, pretty much, things just got very hectic with nursing school. (I like to say that I'm in nursing school, when really I haven't been accepted yet and am just doing pre-requisites in hopes of getting accepted). This was the first semester since I graduated from Columbia College in 2005 (at least I think that's the year I graduated) that I took a "full-load" of credits. I took 12 credits, which by normal standards really isn't that much, but...those twelve credits kicked my ass. Mostly, it was Anatomy/Physiology that was the most time-consuming and difficult. My teacher was tough and made us really delve into every system of the body, down to the most delicate and minute details. I'm sure someday I'll be thankful for her demandingness, but right now I'm just thankful I'm done. I no longer have to get up at 6 am and drive an hour to listen to a lecture on pus (complete with power-point slides!)

Another reason I haven't been blogging lately: I fear that I am dead inside. Winter is depressing. Every time I go outside and see that we have another foot of snow on the ground or get pummeled by winds so forceful and icy they make me wish I was dead all over (not just on the inside), I want to go back into my little apartment (which sometimes reminds me of the cave where Milo the cat, of "Milo and Otis" fame spends a harsh winter with his brood) and sleep until spring. I want to run on the trails, but they are covered in ice. I want to visit friends, but the roads are crappy. I want to watch ER, but Netflix is slow as fuck (lately)! Dead inside.

The one bright spot in my life: DEXTER. I have probably said this before, and if you're a regular reader of this blog you've probably noticed my little shrine to Dexter, but Dexter is the best show on Television...possibly the best show in the history of television. If you don't like blood and gore, I don't care. You still need to watch Dexter. If you don't believe in capital punishment, I don't care. You still need to watch Dexter. If you don't think Michael C. Hall (as Dexter) is the sexiest, most badass, slyest, cleverest man-hunk on TV (or planet Earth), you are crazy. Because he is. Michael C. Hall is a FANTASTIC actor. Every other actor on TV or in theater or movies pales in comparison to the superbness that is Michael C. Hall. If he doesn't win the Golden Globe this year, he will have been robbed. Yet again. If you've never seen Dexter, you've got a hell of a ride ahead of you...and I'm jealous. WATCH IT.


Emily said...

"Dexter" is the best show in TV. I suck tho b/c I have to watch it in DVD b/c we don't get showtime, so when I see you at the bar this week don't tell me what happens...I'm gonna rent it. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

At last she writes... withdrawal ceasing. Morale around the office has improved accordingly.