Monday, January 4, 2010

And so it begins

Tomorrow is the first day of my Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN program.

50 students.
A two-hour long commute.
Ridiculously difficult-to-decode directions on what to wear,
what to buy,
where to go,
what time to be there.

These are some of the things with which I am currently dealing.

I am filled with dread. And hope.

Part of me wants to curl up and die. Another part of me knows I'm going to kick nursing school's ass! Another part of me just wants to eat ham and drink water.

This year I'll be keeping you posted on my nursing school misadventures, and also on my continued efforts to shed the pounds and pounds of unsightly fat that currently adorn my body.

Wish me luck!


k(h)ara said...

I din't wanna hook up with Paaaawlie, I just wanted to eat some haaaam and drink some waaaater.

(please note, I recognized the reference and did not have to watch the youtube clip - mwah hah hah)

(also note: having spent a fourth of my life living in Jersey, I think I like the show simply because I can do the accent without trying)

You can do this, Liz! Work it.

embo said...

Love the Dawson shot, every time I look at it I laugh. Do you know which episode it's from?