Saturday, June 21, 2008

Movie Magic

It's Saturday night and I'm sitting in bed watching "You've Got Mail." I probably should be feeling sorry for myself about now, but there's something to be said for spending a quiet evening alone. Actually, to me, watching a movie at home (or in the theater) is one of the best ways (if not the best way) to spend an evening. I just love movies, that's all.

I try to see a movie in the theater every week, and any week that I don't end up doing that is a sad week. Last week I saw "The Happening," and if you read my last post then you know how I felt about that. Before that, the last movie I saw in the theater was "Sex and the City: The Movie," which I loved. I figured it would be kind of like watching four episodes of the show back to back, which is was. It was funny, heartwarming, moving--everything you could hope for! My friend Kate and I agreed that one of the best moments of the film was when Carrie runs over to Miranda's house to comfort her on New Year's Eve.

One of the cool things about the Sex and the City franchise is that, yes, it's about relationships between men and women (all you guys out there should watch it--it's eye opening on lots of topics!), but it's also about women's relationships with one another. It makes me wonder if we treated our love-relationships more like we treat our friendships if they wouldn't last longer. We put so much pressure on our relationships to be "perfect," but we don't expect our friends to be perfect. Just an observation... See! Movies aren't just an excuse to eat a boatload of popcorn (although, that is a perk)--they're also a means for self discovery and reflection!

My ex-boyfriend used to tell me that I expect too much out of life. He used to say that I was just waiting for my life to be like a movie or a TV show, and it was never going to be like that. But my response was always the same. TV shows and movies are born out of peoples' imaginations. They are a manifestation of peoples' hopes for what the world could be, for a what a relationship could be, for what love could feel like. I refuse to give up hope that my life could be like a movie. I've already had movie moments in my life, and sure, they were fleeting, but they were great. Why should I settle for anything less than movie magic?

Here's a list of movies to watch if you want to feel inspired to live life differently (with more heart and more guts):

"Say Anything"

"It Could Happen to You"

"Patch Adams"

"Erin Brockovich"

"Legally Blonde"

"Under the Tuscan Sun"

TV shows:


"Gilmore Girls"

"Sex and the City"


Go ahead, call me corny.

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