Thursday, August 30, 2007

When I was your age, television was called books

I am, as Mike Myers' character in So I Married an Axe-Murderer would say: confus-ed. I just turned 25, and I'm beginning to feel the pressure to have my life figured out. I say "beginning to," but I've really been feeling the pressure for quite some time now. Sometimes I wish I didn't aspire to do something creative as a career. Because of my lofty creative goals, I always feel guilty when I am doing anything other than writing or researching--which is most of the time. I mean, should I really have to feel guilty for watching 6 hours of trashy reality TV a day? Come on, I'm a normal human being. Normal human beings relax by eating pints of ice cream and watching episode after episode of Dr. 90210. That's what we do. I feel like there are two roads for me. On one road is a job that isn't related to my creative goals whatsoever but would, theoretically, allow me plenty of time and a lot of flexibility (and a decent amount of money) to pursue those goals. On the other road is a job that is at least marginally related to my creative goals, but would take up most of my free time (or would occupy my mind more during the supposedly "free" hours in which I would theoretically be pursuing my main creative objective) and wouldn't pay as well. It feels like road number one is the obvious choice, but part of me feels like taking that road means I'm giving up on my dreams. Is that ridiculous? Anyway, I gotta go. Newport Harbor: The Real O.C. is on, and that's my top priority right now. You understand.

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