Friday, December 7, 2007

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.

I feel sick to my stomach. I just learned about this sicko kid who walked into a Von Maur department store in Omaha, Nebraska on Wednesday and killed 8 people and himself. What the fuck is wrong with people? Why do things like this keep happening? Apparently the kid (19 year old Robert Hawkins) had been dumped by his girlfriend and fired from his job at McDonald's. I just hate what's happening to the world. I wonder, Robert Hawkins, what is it about shopping at Von Maur (or working there) that makes someone a piece of shit? Why are schools and shopping malls scary places now? Why do I look over my shoulder at Walmart and wonder if the angry guy in line is going to shoot me? There is something terribly, terribly wrong with the world today. People complain that even in the information age, the age of interconnectivity, of cell phones and text messaging and IM-ing and email and navigation systems and DVRs and YouTube and Blogs and every other goddamn thing, we're all growing so much more lonely, so much more solitary. We sit at the computer or in front of the TV and we forget to go out and make friends, face to face. We forget to be kind to strangers. But how is any of that going to change when people are afraid to leave their houses? I mean, one of the first things I thought when I read about the Von Maur shooting was, well that's why I do most of my shopping online. But that's not really a solution, is it? I don't know what the solution is. All I can do is hope that there is one.

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