Monday, July 14, 2008

This post will bore you to death.

My book on blogging says that you're never supposed to write something like this on your blog:

"I have no idea what to write today."

I was just thinking about what to write in this post, and I thought I would make a list of what I did today. Then I thought about titling the list: "All the boring things I did today." But then I remembered my 'Rough Guide to Blogging' book, and how it says you're not supposed to preface your writing by saying that it's boring because then no one will want to read it.

Fuck you, 'Rough Guide to Blogging'! You don't know shit. My reader is loyal. She'll read whatever I write!!


1. Get up. Think to myself that it sort of seems like it's raining outside and maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't go running this morning. Remember a scary story my sister told be about almost being attacked by a deranged man in a silk shirt over the 4th of July holiday (while she was out for a run), and think that this is probably definitely a sign that I shouldn't go running this morning. Remember the show I watched last night--The N's (Noggin) Student Body, a reality show hosted by Laila Ali in which fat high-schoolers are challenged to lose weight. Remember how disappointed I was in Rachael (I think that was her name) when she kept saying, "I can't, I can't." Remember how her trainer told her that "It's not supposed to be easy." Remind myself that making myself get up at 7 a.m. to go running (when I totally don't have to) is "not supposed to be easy."

2. Go running. See geese. Avoid eye-contact with other people on the trails.

3. Make a soy blackberry smoothie. Wonder why my blender always looks to streaky--it's not like I never clean it.

4. Eat my smoothie while watching Big Brother: After Dark (BBAD, as I will refer to it in all further posts). Try to decide who I love and who I hate on Big Brother 10, but it may be too soon to tell.

5. Drive to school, listening to the mixed CD I made for Cori as a going away present.

6. Go to Bio 111. Nice kid holds the door for me.

7. Realize that my teacher has not let us out early enough for me to make my noon kickboxing class. Decide to stop at the Meijer gas station outside of Oxford and get snacks.

8. Purchase a dark chocolate Dove bar, some cheddar cheese combos, a peanut butter Lindt Lindor truffle and a Diet Coke. Think to myself that I shouldn't be buying this stuff. Remind myself that I can have this stuff as long as I factor it into my daily calorie allowance. Remind myself that this is "not supposed to be easy."

9. Eat my snacks while listening to a Fresh Air podcast in which Terry Gross interviews Jenna Fischer of The Office.

10. Get home. Take a shower. Make Biology flashcards for 3 and a half hours.

11. Go to Dagwood's to punch the hanging bag we have in the basement. Hanging bag falls down. Dad comes down to help me put it back up and we finally figure out (he figures out) a way to hang it so that it won't fall down anymore. Realize that with the bag hung this way, it no longer makes the loud squeaking noise that it used to. Feel overwhelming wave of relief.

12. Pilfer some Lindt Lindor truffles from Blondie's and go home. Put a WW Quesadilla in the microwave and hit 2. Check my email. Worry about financial aid. Check my blog. Decide to post something.

13. Post a list of all the boring things I did today while microwave beeps at me.

1 comment:

Gina said...

This made me laugh out loud. Now I'm ready to go clean and not hate it as much because I'm in a good mood. Love you!