Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomorrow is just one more day I get to press play.

The verdict is in. My Bio 111 teacher finally posted our grades online. For the record, I'm pretty sure he said the grades would be posted sometime Thursday, but they didn't show up until mid-day Saturday!! Ba-humbug. Anyway, I got a 98! I would be celebrating, except that I can't stop thinking about how that 98 would be a 100 if only I hadn't changed that ONE ANSWER. Screw you, temperature at which water is its densest (that'd be 4 degrees Celsius, for you curious minds out there).

I decided that in order to unwind from my test, the only thing I would do all weekend would be to watch television. I'm so proud of myself for coming up with this plan. Of course, a few things got in the way of that. I had to go to Meijer with my Mom. But it turned out great because she bought me season 3 of The Closer, which is one of my favorite shows. Season 4 starts on Monday, so we wanted to catch up on Season 3 before that premieres. I also had to go over to Dagwood's a couple of times to get sandwiches. It's times like those I wish I had a Segway. Soon, a trend started to develop...after a few blissful hours of TV watching, I would start to feel guilty about "not living." Then I would make myself do a Biggest Loser workout or go swimming or something. Then I would start to feel sad that I wasted so much time being active, when I could've been watching Gross Anatomy, a stellar 80's dramedy starring Matthew Modine as plucky med student Joe Slovak. Oh, the humanity! You may think I sound like a lazy, fat bitch. You're partly right. However, as anyone who reads this regularly would know, I am a movie lover. I consider movie-loving and TV-show loving to be a hobby of mine. Some people like to go fishing (I like fishing too, except for the whole killing an innocent creature thing). Some people are numismatists. As much as I love shiny things and history and placing round items in specially-slotted cardboard notebooks (and I do--I really, really do), I would prefer to...oh I don't a show? Some people love to watch baseball. That's cool. I let them have that. I don't call a baseball lover a lazy, fat bitch. So why can't you let me have my hobby? Just let me be! Let me be, dammit! I've seen a lot of movies, and as a result have learned many lessons. I have learned that it is never a good idea to investigate that noise in the shed. I have learned that men and women can't be friends. I have learned that it is OK to punch someone in the junk, as long as you're on a runaway train and you're hanging halfway out the window. See? So many lessons. As Zoe Saldana's character in Center Stage says (near the end of the movie, when they're about to find out who made the company), "Tomorrow is just one more day I get to dance." That's how I feel about watching movies. Even if I sometimes feel like I am wasting my life watching other people do cool things with their lives (or watching what someone other than me imagined other people doing and then wrote, cast, filmed, edited, sold, marketed, and released)--it's a sweet, sweet sorrow.

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