Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I've recently begun the magical adventure that is online dating. For a long time now, I've thought of online dating as my "spare tire"--no, not my spare tire as in the unsightly band of fat around my midsection, but spare tire as in my back-up plan, my get-out-of-jail-free card. And when I say 'jail,' I mean the self-made prison of loneliness and self-doubt that has been my reality for the past few years.

Let me catch you up. A few years ago, I broke up with the guy I thought I was going to marry. I was in love with him, but I left him anyway, mostly because he got into the habit of saying things like, "I never want to marry you," and "The idea of having kids with you or anyone makes me sick. Fuck kids! Fuck this world!" He was very dramatic, but not in the good way (you know, the charming, full-of-life kind of dramatic). He was depressed-dramatic, he was I-can't-fathom-why-anyone-would-ever-get-excited-about-anything-as-POINTLESS-as-a-birthday-or-a-trip-to-the-ice-skating-rink-and-who-cares-about-Christmas-lights-we're-all-going-to-die-someday-anyway-probably-someday-soon dramatic.

I'm still in love with him, even though I honestly believe he doesn't care about me at all. I'm not trying to get you to pity me (although, that would be nice)--I'm just stating facts. But even though I love him so much that sometimes it feels like my intestines are on fire, I believe that he is dead inside, so it's time to move on.

In that spirit, and because I thought it would be "good, clean fun," I joined a few free online dating sites. It turns out, though, that online dating is even more of a punch in the gut than real-life dating, if that's even possible. I think the problem is that it's too easy to sit back in the comfort of your ergonomic computer chair, surrounded by the wreckage that is your life (plus actual trash if you're a hoarder like I am), and poke fun at how desperate and just plain idiotic (not to mention creepy!) your potential "dates" are. For example, one of my "matches" attempted to lure me into his web of sex, lies, and videotape by emailing me a list of every WWE movie he owns. For those of you not in the know, WWE stands for World Wrestling Entertainment. Oh! What a lucky girl am I! Did I say I liked wrestling, fuckwit?! Get your head out of your ass.

Another keeper wrote this in his profile: "The most private thing I’m willing to admit here: My penis size--6 inches long, and 3 inches wide. I know every sexual position. I like to masturbate about 3 times a week. I do shave down there all the time so I have no pubic hair. And I do shower every day."

I'm so glad I know how often he masturbates and that his dick looks like one of those hairless baby hamsters. Romance is alive and well, folks!

The sad part's all fun and games when I'm the one doing the judging. I sit here in my judging chair, surrounded by broken dreams and grease-saturated fast food hamburger wrappers, and I make a mockery of the hopeful profile of some pitiful wimpus or pervert who could maybe be my new boyfriend--if only I would give him the chance. But when it's someone else's turn to do the criticizing...well, that doesn't sit so well with me.

For example, I have the "privilege" of being able to see pictures of all the different guys who have viewed my profile and I get to know when they viewed it. As in, I get a little notification that says: SlappyClown27 viewed your profile at 7:12 pm!. That's nice. Thanks SlappyClown27. Thanks for viewing my profile and then deciding NOT to message me. I would understand not getting a message if when I clicked over to his profile SlappyClown27 turned out to be some super slick frat-boy type whose idea of a good time is popping his collar, watching team sports and playing beer pong--otherwise known as Mr. Definitely Not Into Chubby Funny Girls. But no, SlappyClown27 (and he's not real, folks, just a symbol of what almost ALL these guys are like) usually turns out to be some unemployed Nascar-loving 40-something super-creep whose skin is as pasty as raw dough because he lives in his brother-in-law's dank basement and hasn't left the house in over a month.

But he, SlappyClown27, an aging virgin whose proudest moment is the time he shoved six hot dogs into his mouth at once, looks at my profile and thinks to himself: Eh, I could do better. This is why online dating requires a thick skin.

But don't worry, I haven't lost hope. I know I'll meet Mr. Right eventually. I'm just starting to think we may meet while we're say, shopping for nets, instead of surfing the Net.

What, you don't do a lot of net shopping?


Screaming Mimi said...

I love everything about this blog. Very funny and very true. I think you didn't a fabulous job of painting a picture of the online dating world. I'm going to go see if anyone has messaged me! Hahahaha

Kate said...

YES YES YES YESSSSS. This is so 100% absolutely true. Thank you for writing this.

Although the online snubbing is bad, I think the worst is actually when you start talking to someone over email who seems alright, maybe even a little charming, a little funny. And before you know it you're lulled into a false sense of hope and optimism, and you think HEY! Maybe this is the one! Maybe this guy will be normal!

But then, THEN they make you go out and eat gross Ethiopian food (hey, I'll pretty much eat anything, but I am also fairly certain that I was sopping up my lentil goo with the distant cousin of a dish sponge) and they brag about their salary- yes, actual figures!- and how everyone should travel the country at least once and if you haven't then what the fuck are you doing with your life and by the way, do you know Javascript? Because it's really complicated and hard and of course I know it and I really want to make you feel as stupid as possible so I am going to start SPELLING OUT ACTUAL FUCKING JAVASCRIPT CODE HERE AT THE TABLE WHILE WE EAT THIS RIDICULOUS FOOD.

And then, after a very spectacularly awkward date in which neither of you were attracted to each other, you never talk again. It's like it never happened. I suppose that's what dating is, just trying people out to see if they fit, but it's still weird. Especially with online dating, where you get to know them a bit better beforehand. All that build up to meeting and it's just kinda like "wah. wah."

Fuck it. I still say that the best Valentine's Day I ever had was sophomore year of college- me and you, watching 'Fatal Attraction' and eating Hackney's takeout. Try and beat that, Ethiopian Javascript man. Because you CAN'T.

Puck58 said...

Aw Kate, that guy is a WINNER! You're so right about that--it's so easy to get your hopes up and start wondering how your first name would sound with his last name...until you meet him.

I don't have a whole lot of experience actually meeting these online douches, since I just started this whole project (and I am a coward). But you remember that one guy I went out with from yahoo personals? He basically called me fat and made me pay. What a SWEETHEART!

I think Paula Cole said it right: where have all the cowboys gone?

Cause right now I'm pretty sure the world has met its ass-hat quota.

Puck58 said...

P.S. No Valentine's Day will ever come close to our Hackney's and Fatal Attraction V-day. I don't care if my future husband gives me a 1000 dollar Target gift card AND a pony. Nothing will ever compare.

Emily said...

Oh dear God, I love you Liz. But here's something to consider (and maybe even though I hate everyone, this is why you think people think I'm bubbly) perhaps clownasshatface27 doesn't comment in your profile because he knows you're too good for him. And of course he'd be right so it's better that he went and cooked up a dead rat instead of asking you out.
See glass half full there, see what I'm doing?? And I haven't even had any Miller Lite today.

embo said...

I learned a new name for your potential suitors: bagglings

Isn't that cute - it's like a little douchebag.

You are really brave for putting yourself out there. Especially the part about seeing how people judge you- the thought of seeing people's ratings of me makes me nauseous. For the record i think that you are great and funny and pretty.

Unknown said...

I love this blog, Liz. All of your other fans/friends/followers have already said what's so wonderful about it -- I got nothing new. Let me just say again that you are an awesome writer, and I am just so damned happy to say that I knew you when you were just an adorable little kid singing songs from "Little Mermaid" in the backseat of my car on the way to the beach! (And when you publish your book, can I please put that in a blurb on the back cover?)

Beckers said...

Give it up and marry my brother. Ok, he lives in Texas, but he has a good job, owns a home, and you'd be related to ME!!!! Seriously though, kudos for doing something that I would never have the guts to do. Good Luck :)