Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Neil Young is my hero.

I think I need to detox from both TV and the internet. Last night I was putting away groceries and instead of turning on the TV for background noise, I put on one of my Neil Young records. It was so much better than listening to some Access Hollywood bullshit about how Britney Spears is probably going to die soon. I mean, I love TV. Don't get me wrong. But I need to stop watching useless crap. I should watch more scripted TV. I Netflixed the first two seasons of The Closer, and I love it! I highly recommend it. The show is a bit of a slow burn, though. Give it some time, allow the characters to grow on you, and you'll be hooked, I promise! It's harder to stop myself from going on the internet, though, especially iTunes. I heart iTunes. I've always been a fan of audiobooks and iTunes has a huge selection for not that much money! I also heart the iTunes essentials sections where you can get all the "essential" tracks for pretty much every musician ever. It's a great way to familiarize yourself with artists you haven't listened to before, and also a great way to rediscover old favorites. For instance, I'm a huge Otis Redding fan, and last night I learned that he died in a plane crash when he was only 26! He started recording at 21, which means that in just 5 years, he made so so so so much incredible music! I can only imagine how much more he would've contributed to music had he lived even a few years longer. Anyway... I just got back from my kickboxing class. Fuck you, side raises. You're out of the will.

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