Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Supermarket Sweep me off my feet!

So, I'm back in lovely Lapeer after a weekend of fun in Chicago. Kate and Jon adopted a gorgeous feline from Paws: Chicago. He's got kitty AIDS and a bum leg. He's a hot mess by the name of Tommy Lee Jones. Meeting him was one of the many highlights of a great weekend. Other highlights: chillin with Kate and watching copious episodes of True Life (one of my favorite guilty pleasures), seeing three movies in three days, eating delicious Greek food at a very warm and inviting Andersonville restaurant, watching clips from the Jiminy Glick show at four in the morning, and listening to Josh tell (forcefully) about the time he screamed at a customer because she wondered what happened to Yoplait Whips. "Got a BLENDER?" he said he screamed at her. "Put regular yogurt in the BLENDER and then it'll be WHIPPED, you dumb whore, you fat slut!" Josh is so tactful. Anyway, I had a great time. I didn't even stress out that much about parking. Ok, well, a little I did. There's not much more I can think to say right now, except for that the past few days I've been thinking a lot about that old game show, "Supermarket Sweep." Remember? There'd be three couples and they'd have to answer grocery-related questions and then at the end, the couple with the most points would get the chance to do the supermarket sweep. They'd have three minutes or so to retrieve the products hinted at by three clues. Every time I'm in the grocery store, I think how hard it would be to find an item hinted at by a clue. It's hard for me to find things at Meijer even when I know what I'm looking for. And that's a grocery store that I'm very familiar with. The Supermarket Sweep grocery store probably isn't even a real grocery store, and even if it is, it's certainly not the contestants' usual grocery store. That makes it even harder!! You know how when you walk into a Target that isn't the Target you normally go into, you feel at home and shell-shocked all at once? And people always seem to need to make comments about how weird it is that the shampoo at this Target is in a totally different place! It's like, we can't wrap our heads around it. Anyway, whenever I'm doing some kind of workout maneuver (like the plank position, where you're holding yourself up sort of in a push-up position and working your abs) I start thinking how thirty seconds feels like forever when I'm working out, but it would go by lickity-split if I were on Supermarket Sweep. Also, thinking about Supermarket Sweep makes me remember just how expensive sides of beef really are. They're expensive. But they're also heavy. You know what's expensive and not that heavy? Batteries. That's all I'm gonna say.

Love you guys.

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