Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Panic Tastes Kind of Like Donuts

I just signed up for two clinicals! My first ride-along is next Friday! I am so nervous I think I may just slip into a coma. That happens to nervous people. They faint, then they slip into a coma. I know because I'm studying to become an EMT. That's why a lot of parents don't want their kids to do junior-high talent shows--because there's always that ONE parent who says: "Yeah I thought talent shows were harmless too. Julianne was such a fantastic hula-hooper, I thought, what harm could it do? Little did I know she'd get so nervous that she would faint and slip into a coma. Now I spend every night sleeping on a cot next to her hospital bed."

It's a bad problem.

Provided I DON'T slip into a coma, I am sure that I will make a fool of myself and have plenty of embarrassing moments to relay to you all. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's some great on-screen chemistry...